Thursday, May 22, 2014


Ok so I saw this tutorial right here and thought, "WOW! I could do that! And I have these super cute colors left over from that time I made fingerless gloves, why not make myself a scarf to match?"
I ended up making it in about two hours, mostly because I was a little confused about the cast-on stitch they used. It turned out ok though, and I just can't stop petting it. Whoops.
So here is my awesome infinity scarf:
And the really cool thing about this project is that it's VERY stretchy. For instance, I found that it can be stretched out a bit more and worn as a shawl-type thingie, which made me feel all fabulous and stuff :)
I just took three different colors of yarn and pretended they were one strand. I'm pretty happy with the results, actually!

I used this pink, this blue, and this white! I had a lot of fun working with this yarn and making this project.
Happy knitting!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014



Monday, March 3, 2014

Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

To start this review off, let me just say that I had VERY high hopes for this book, and for a certain male character. My friends on twitter were very insistent that I read it, and proclaimed that I would just LOVE this male character! "Wow, what a winner HE must be," I thought.
Please beware that this review contains spoilers.
Okay. So first of all, this book is about a girl named Anna Oliphant who is ripped from her life in Georgia to go to school in Paris because her dad wants to impress his author buddies. Although I would LOVE to go to school in Paris, I can totally sympathize about not being given a choice. (Hello, resentment at being homeschooled! I see you're still there.)
She leaves behind her best friend Bridgette and almost-kinda-sorta-boyfriend Toph, and she's not exactly happy about it. She also leaves behind her mom and little brother, Sean, which she is slightly more upset about.
Enter Meredith, Rashmi, Josh, and finally, Étienne St. Clair.
They're all very friendly and welcoming, and Anna soon finds herself falling for the swoon-worthy Étienne St. Clair. (I will keep saying his full name because yeah. I can.) He, of course, is totally falling for her too, and we can hear wedding bells playing softly. The only problem?
He has a girlfriend.
Étienne. St. Clair. Has. A. Girlfriend.
She's actually a very nice girl, as evidenced by the fact that she's very friendly when she meets Anna for the first time. She was also Rashmi's best friend.
Now, Étienne St. Clair is very respectful about the boundaries set up by Anna and Toph's "relationship." Sorta. So it would stand to reason that Anna should be very respectful of Étienne and Ellie's relationship, too, right? 
It took me a week to figure out exactly what made me feel icky about this situation. It was partially the fact that Étienne was clearly falling for Anna, yet he wasn't being fair to her or Ellie. When he started having feelings for Anna, he should have either stayed a little farther away from her, or broken it off with Ellie. He did neither. And this is before his excuse. (I'll get to that later.)
The other part that made me feel icky was the part where Anna found herself resenting Ellie, even going so far as to think of her as "slutty" and fantasize about bad things happening to her. Ellie might have distanced herself from her friends at the School of America in Paris, but she certainly did not do anything to deserve Anna's wrath. 
That, combined with the fact that Anna got completely, totally, irrationally angry at Bridgette after she found out that Bridgette and Toph started dating while Anna was gone (harsh, but Anna and Toph weren't really dating. Bridge totally should've told Anna, but Anna overreacted) and how Meredith (who also totally loves Étienne) got jealous and clingy every time Anna and Étienne hung out managed to make me totally and completely sad because of how easily Anna allowed her feelings for Étienne to come between almost every potentially positive friendship she could have with another girl. 
Does this mean I hated Étienne St. Clair? No, it does not, and I'll tell you why. 
Although he made consistently questionable choices concerning his romantic life, he 1.) helped Anna feel at home in a land that was not her own, 2.) was a good friend to her when she needed him, and 3.) was also coping with a lot of family stuff during this book. As in, his mother had cancer and his father was a sadistic, controlling, COLOSSAL jerk. I'm not saying that this completely erased his mistakes, I'm just saying that he was very confused. When people are confused, they do stupid things. Like cheating on their girlfriends. This doesn't mean that what he did was okie-dokie, it just means that he used it as an excuse to convince himself that what he was doing was not that bad. All in all, he was a good person, but he made REALLY, INCREDIBLY STUPID CHOICES. 
I also, for that matter, don't hate Anna. She had several redeeming qualities, such as being willing to stand up for a friend who's being bullied. She's hilarious, and she also is really passionate about film and I LOVE that. Okay, I'm done talking about Anna and the French Kiss now. Go read it, tell me what you thought!I love a good book debate.

Wednesday, January 29, 2014


um so yeah
sometimes I read very emotional things
like TFIOS
and this is a small poem I have composed
about TFIOS
do not read if you have not read TFIOS

TFIOS: More like TFIMT
by Sarah Jacobsen
wow this book looks good
everyone on tumblr seems to love it
aw it's about a cancer patient
this might be a bit sad
*grabs tissue box*
might need these

oh my gosh
this is actually really cute
the only tears i will shed will be those of happiness

oh no hazel bby
don't be sad u can't go to amsterdam
i can't go to amsterdam either
my parents will never let me

omg omg omg
they get to go to amsterdam
leave me alone to die this is too cute

wait a second
this author dude is a weiner

oh well
at least they get to have a romantic date in amsterdam
did they 

"hazel was just amusing me with venn diagrams"
you bet your one remaining leg she was
that was a splendid innuendo

ooooh more alone time
i wonder what


*frantically grabs for tissue box*
*realizes that no amount of tissues are ever going to fill the void in my heart that this book created*
*sobs brokenly*



Monday, January 27, 2014

Vampire Academy: My newest book love affair

Ok so I had this friend in middle school who had awful taste in books and movies and shows, and she told me to read Vampire Academy, by Richelle Mead. Needless to say, I dismissed it as some Twilight knockoff that I wouldn't hear another word about. I recently told this story to one of my other friends when she recommended that I read the series, and I thought, oh what the heck. At least I'll get a few laughs.
Needless to say, this story could be a metaphor for the expression "Don't judge a book by it's cover."

Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead is an AMAZING book. I don't often admit that I was wrong, and especially not in public, but I will FREELY SCREAM IT FROM THE MOUNTAINTOPS.
It's about this girl (I know, I'm a sucker for female protagonists) named Rose Hathaway who is best friend and guardian-in-training of Lissa Dragomir, a moroi (living vampire). Rose is a dhampir, which is the offspring of a human and a moroi, or a dhampir and a moroi. It is very complicated and we will get to that later, possibly.
Anywho, Rose and Lissa attend this school called St. Vladamir Academy, which is this super secret school for moroi and dhampirs. However, and for very good reasons, Rose and Lissa ran away from St. Vlad's and lived in the outside world for two years. It's a pretty bad idea for moroi to live unprotected in the human world because there are other vampires called strigoi (dead vampires) that like to EAT moroi. This is why guardians are necessary, and this is one of the reasons why Rose is so cool. Her and Lissa have a bond, which basically means that Rose can sense when Lissa is in danger and occasionally go directly into her head.
Their little exercise in independence ends when a group of guardians from the academy, led by Dimitri Belikov (WARNING: Complex-male-character-who-I-love alert!), come to bring them back. Lissa manages to convince the lady in charge of the academy not to expel Rose, who does not have the royal status that Lissa has, on the condition that Rose take extra training sessions (since she basically missed two years of school, even if she DID get two years of real-life experience) with Guardian Belikov, who is described as "a god."
Now before you think that is meant in a shallow way, you should know that it is. But it also means that he is one of the BEST guardians ever. He's Russian, and he has an ACCENT. He also likes Westerns and he wears a leather duster coat. Look at this guy! He's adorable. You will love him.
Ok so it's pretty safe to say that Rose is kind of mad about taking lessons with Dimitri, especially since he's really attractive and about 7 years older than her, but also because he kind of kicks her butt on a daily basis. And he won't get to the good stuff, like teaching her to stake things, they just keep sparring and whatnot. She's pretty mad about that.
Meanwhile, Lissa is having some troubles that are making Rose a bit unhappy, like getting bullied by this moroi girl, Mia, who is dating Lissa's ex-boyfriend. Also, someone keeps leaving dead animals in her dorm room, and she still hasn't specialized in elemental magic, like fire, earth, air, or water. All of this makes Lissa pretty stressed, so she starts hanging out in the attic of the church, which she quickly discovers is the hangout of Christian Ozera, the academy's resident outcast. He's a really complex character, too. I'm lovin' all the complex characters up in here! Her uncle is also dying of a mysterious disease, and that's pretty sad because everybody loves him.
I really don't want to spoil anything for anybody, but I can assure you that all these interesting characters get thoroughly maimed by the end of this book, and it's awful and your poor little heart will break. Read it.

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, have some book reviews!

Ok so I have actually been pretty busy with school and church and stuff, so I have not had time to really write up any reviews until now. But I think this post is kind of like a "omg please don't stop loving me I'm still here" post, and the book reviews will follow shortly! Love yooou!

Friday, December 27, 2013

Favorite Friday: Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo

Ok so I had this idea that every Friday, I would do a special review of one of my favorite books that I haven't read in a while, but I'd still love to feature it on the blog.
Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo is one of those books that leaves you in the book version of a food coma. You can't seem to move on after finishing it, you keep thinking about it for WEEKS after reading it, you literally want to LIVE INSIDE THIS BOOK.
It's set in the fictional land of Ravka, which is based off of Russian culture. Awesome, right? The main character, Alina Starkov, grew up in an orphanage with her best friend Mal, where they managed to get under everybody's feet and were the definition of "little hoodlums".
Alina, who is apparently stick thin and not very pretty, and Mal, who is described as the definition of a very normal, very hot teenage boy, join the king's army and get sent to the Shadow Fold, an uber scary place made entirely of darkness and brimming with monsters called Volcra that enjoy humans as snacks. Of course, on their very first trip through, the volcra are attracted to the sweet smell of fear and sweaty soldier, and so they attackk the sand-boat thingies that Alina, Mal, and crew are on. Needless to say, the defense is a bit unnerved, and people are getting eated. A volcra almost gets Mal, but Alina is fighting it off, but then it bites her shoulder, and she realizes that her and Mal are about to become dinner. So she lights up. Literally.
Now, this is not normal.
Everybody realizes that she's a grisha, a super powerful human that has POWERS HOLY CRAP
and the grisha are led by the king's right hand dude, *fans self* the DARKLING
Now before we go further, I would like to say a few words about the Darkling. Once I can find the words to DESCRIBE the Darkling, that is. Suffice it to say that he is my BOOK HUSBAND
I would MARRY him
Ok, now back to Alina. The Darkling is super interested in the fact that she does a really good impression of THE SUN and he tells her that he needs her help to destroy the Shadow Fold, because what honestly is better for destroying darkness than light?
She goes back with him to the capitol, Os Alta, where she joins the grisha at the Little Palace. It's called the Little Palace because it's not as big as the Grand Palace, and thankfully not nearly as ugly. The royal family lives in the Grand Palace, by the way.
Much happens in this book, such as Alina learning to control her super-fab powers, Genya and Alina developing an ultra snazzy bff relationship, a HUGE plot twist, and MUCH ROMANTIC ANGST.
In short, this book will DESTROY YOU.
Read it immediately.